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This page supplies evaluators doing evaluations in California with the latest versions of the key documents,
rulings, and tools, that define, inform or control their evaluation efforts.
For your convenience, the "tools" are divided into two sections, one applying to
Energy Efficiency and the other to Demand Response .
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Energy Efficiency
Title Date Size (kBytes) Impact Evaluation Standard Reporting Guidelines (See Appendix B) 1/6/2020 1610 Lighting Solutions Workbook (2014) Volume I 12/19/2014 3391 Lighting Solutions Workbook (2014) Volume II - California Lighting Market Indicators 11/21/2014 2041 Guidelines for California IOU
Evaluation Measurement & Verification Reports 11/24/2013 136 HOT LINK: Project Status Reporting (PSR) System -- This is an on-line system developed for narrative reporting for the 2010-12
EM&V contract period. The purpose of the PSR is to track the progress,
issues, and milestones of each CPUC 2010-12 EM&V project. 8/2/2012 2010-2012 Energy Efficiency
Evaluation, Measurement and Verification Work Plan - Version 1 12/20/2010 1771 Appendix to 2010-2012 Energy Efficiency Evaluation, Measurement and Verification Work Plan - Version 1 12/20/2010 324 California Local Government Strategic Energy Action Report 6/15/2010 1337 Energy Efficiency Evaluation Training Opportunities 11/1/2009 121 California Long Term Energy Efficiency Strategic Plan, September 2008, Achieving Maximum Energy Savings in California for 2009 and Beyond 9/1/2008 1149 CALIFORNIA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ENERGY EFFICIENCY POLICYMANUAL, VERSION 4.0, (August 2008) Applicable to post-2005 Energy Efficiency Programs 8/1/2008 923 CALIFORNIA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ENERGY EFFICIENCY POLICY
(Updated December 20, 2007)
Applicable to post-2005 Energy Efficiency Programs. EEPM v.3.1 updates: definition of peak demand from D. 06-06-063, Fund Shifting Rules from D.05-09-043, Incentive Mechanism from D.07-09-043, Reporting Requirements from D.06-06-063 and D.05-09-043. 12/20/2007 803 California Energy Efficiency Evaluation Protocols: Technical, Methodological, and Reporting Requirements for Evaluation Professionals 4/1/2006 1077 CPUC Bidders Guidelines 1/1/2006 61 CALIFORNIA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ENERGY EFFICIENCY POLICY MANUAL, VERSION 3 (for post-2005 program evaluations) 4/21/2005 103 The California Evaluation Framework 6/1/2004 2312 CALIFORNIA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ENERGY EFFICIENCY POLICY MANUAL, VERSION 2 (for Program Years 2004 and 2005) 8/1/2003 156 California Standard Practice Manual: Economic Analysis for Demand Side Programs and Projects 7/15/2002 76 A Framework for Planning and Assessing Publicly Funded Energy Efficiency 3/1/2001 2335
Demand Response
Title Date Size (kBytes) Decision 09-08-027 (August 20, 2009)
2011 8/20/2009 630 Decision 09-08-027 August 20, 2009 - DECISION ADOPTING DEMAND RESPONSE ACTIVITIES AND BUDGETS FOR 2009 THROUGH 2011, Application 08-06-001 (Filed June 2, 2008), and related Applications 08-06-002 and 08-06-003. 8/20/2009 630 Decision 08-07-045 July 31, 2008 - DECISION ADOPTING DYNAMIC PRICING TIMETABLE AND RATE DESIGN
GUIDANCE FOR PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY 8/1/2008 269 DECISION ADOPTING PROTOCOLS FOR ESTIMATING DEMAND RESPONSE LOAD IMPACTS 4/24/2008 127 Resolution E-4061. Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is authorized to shift $4.68 million from other Demand Response program budgets to install 5,000 AC Cycling devices by June 2007, providing PG&E an additional 5 MW of Demand Response. 2/15/2007 81 Order Instituting Rulemaking Regarding Policies and Protocols for Demand Response Load Impact Estimates, Cost-Effectiveness Methodologies, Megawatt Goals and Alignment with California Independent System Operator Market Design Protocols 1/25/2007 0 Decision 06-11-049 November 30, 2006; ORDER ADOPTING CHANGES TO 2007 UTILITY DEMAND RESPONSE PROGRAMS
AUGMENTING AUGUST 6, 2006 RULING REQUIRING UTILITY PROPOSALS TO AUGMENT 2007 DEMAND RESPONSE PROGRAMS (modifys 8/6/06 Assigned Commissioner Ruling) (Proceedings A.05-06-006, A.05-06-008 and A.05-06-017; ACR-08/22/06) 8/22/2006 135 ASSIGNED COMMISSIONER AND ADMINISTRATIVE LAW
THE CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION (directs California Energy Commission participation in Demand Response process.) (Proceeding A.05-03-015—SDG&E AMI; ACR 8/14/06) 8/14/2006 89 ASSIGNED COMMISSIONER’S RULING REQUIRING UTILITY PROPOSALS
TO AUGMENT 2007 DEMAND RESPONSE PROGRAMS (directs IOUs to file Demand Response program augmentations on 8/30/06) (Proceeding A.05-06-006, A.05-06-008 and A.05-06-017; ACR—8/6/2006) 8/9/2006 82 FINAL OPINION AUTHORIZING PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY TO DEPLOY ADVANCED METERING INFRASTRUCTURE (Proceeding A.05-06-028—PG&E AMI; D.06-07-027) 7/20/2006 260 Decision 06-05-038 May 25, 2006, DECISION ADOPTING DEFAULT CRITICAL PEAK PRICING FOR 2007 (Rejects settlement agreement for 2007 and orders default in next rate design filing). 5/25/2006 99 DECISION ADOPTING SETTLEMENT (Approves settlement agreement for 2006-2008 demand response programs) (Proceeding A.05-06-006, A.05-06-008 and A.05-06-017; D.06-03-024) 3/15/2006 164